
Once we have truly engaged our minds and hearts, maybe we will realize it is the power of our combined, yet liberated minds, along with our open hearts that are the rocks of true equality for all of humanity.

A Hebrew word for “rock”, “selah” is used more frequently to mean “to stop and listen“, “to pause and think“. It is my hope that this symposium will cause all of us to to open the “box” we call our mind and then “to stop, listen, pause and think” and then share our opinions on the subjects presented here.

SELAH is also our acronym for The Symposium for the Equality and Liberty for All Humanity.

PLEASE! Feel free to offer your comments and openly discuss all topics!

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I am currently supporting:

The Student Non-Discrimination Act to help prevent bullying in schools across America.

This Bill is being presented to the U.S. Congress by Caleb Laieski, a very bright, talented and ambitious young man who has experienced a tremendous amount of bullying himself. You can read more about his story here: And in the meantime be sure to help him out in his endeavor by giving him your *non-tax-deductible donation by sending it through using this email address:

ALSO please join me in supporting:

The Walk for Equality

Please help me support “The Walk for Equality” and Richard Noble as he treks across America to fight for civil rights for the LGBT community as well as those who endure the harsh acts of bullying.

Richard needs ongoing donations via supplies he will need to replenish from Visit their website today and buy an E-gift card for any amount from $5.00 or more. Simply use Richard’s email address, to send your gift card directly to his cell phone on the road! Then he will have your gift available to use at the very next REI store he comes across on his journey!

Or, if you prefer, you can send cash to Richard through Western or you can call them at 1-800-225-5227. Have the money sent in the name of “Richard Noble” and be sure to get the password. Once you have the password send it to Richard at his email address:

To follow Richard and read more about Richard’s cause visit his blog page at:                 Walk for Equality

You can also follow Richard on his FaceBook page: Richard Noble

Read a Huffington Post blog by James M. Russell at:

Richard’s mission statement:

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Turn That Frown Upside Down

I’m having one of those days. In fact, I’m having one of those years.  I just don’t feel appreciated. I don’t feel needed. I don’t feel understood. And I don’t feel, well, validated. I really don’t feel like I matter.

What is it in each of us that need to feel all of these qualities? Is it simply pride? Or is it something different? Is it part of the human need to connect with others?  I think if we focus on the “us” all of the time and hog it all inside of us for the sheer reason of making ourselves feel better, and then yes, it is for nothing more than self-pride. But if we are truly trying to connect with society and do something for the good of the whole of society then feeling like you “matter” in the World probably isn’t such a bad quality to yearn for.

But how you go about “mattering” to the rest of the World is the real trick now isn’t it? What is your “claim to fame”? How do you go about making your mark on your corner of the World and accomplish the task of doing enough good that you get the validation your ego craves, but not so much appreciation that your head explodes into a hydroponically grown Cinderella carriage that turns into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight? In other words, you want your validation to be real, you want authentic respect from the community in which you live, but you don’t want false worship and adoration.

This has always been my nemesis. I have always been my worst enemy when it comes to success. I always sabotage my own success. I’ve always known that I have success in my blood, it courses through my veins. But when I almost reach it, bam, I smack it down and run like hell to escape it for fear of being falsely worshiped. I just can’t stand the thought of masses of people falling all over me for creating something that might be valuable to communities the globe over.

And where does this fear of success land me? Where I am today, suffering from lack of appreciation, validation, misunderstanding and feeling like I don’t matter in this world. I do it to myself, so I don’t have anyone to blame but me. And I think if all us would look at our lives closely most of us would realize that we bring this cycle of rejection on ourselves, no one does it to us, we do it to ourselves, and we usually bring it upon ourselves out of some kind of deep-seated fear of long ago we haven’t dealt with.

The first step to overcoming this “cycle” is first recognizing that we are doing this to ourselves, the second step is calling it for what it is, the third step is deciding to something about it and the fourth step is to stop allowing the fear to control us. Maybe the last step is to take the biggest step of all and forge ahead and DO what it is that we are most afraid to do and make the change, proceed with our dream, desire or idea and make it happen. Then no matter what comes with that dream, good or bad, and “good or bad” is in the eye of the beholder, just push through. Don’t let any feeling you’re having stop you.

So if you feel afraid of success, push through. If you’re afraid of fame, push through. If you’re afraid of failure, push through. If you’re afraid of what people will say about your success, push through. If you’re afraid others will be jealous of you, push through. In all, push through. Because if you don’t you are going to go through the cycle again and again and again leaving yourself feeling unappreciated, defeated, disrespected, misunderstood, invalidated, and like you don’t matter. How many times do you have to go through this cycle, how many times do you have to experience these feelings until you realize that it’s not worth playing? Why do you feel like you’re not worth the same amount of success that others enjoy? That’s just not a true feeling, it has no real basis. You know it, I know it and the rest of the world knows it.

And even if there are others who don’t want you to succeed it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to succeed. They have their own “worlds” to conquer, you have yours. They have their own crosses to bear, you have yours. In the end no one’s going to answer for your life but you. In the end you need to feel like you’ve lived your life to the fullest and you have made valuable contributions to the World.

There may be no greater contribution than to share love through your own creativity, something you have created from your own imagination and then offered it up to the World for use.

You will find your validation, appreciation, respect, success, understanding and the feeling that you “matter” when you push through all of the obstacles you and others place in front of you and forge through with your desires, dreams and ideas.

I have to remind myself every once in awhile that I’m my own worst enemy and it’s up to me to become my own best friend and encourage myself to become whatever it is that I want to become.

I have to remind myself that I appreciate, respect and understand myself even when no one else does. And even when no one else seems to be validating me, I can validate myself simply by creating what it is that I have the talent to create and then sit back and admire it. Yes, “sit back and admire and what I have created.” That’s not narcissistic arrogant pride, that’s self-appreciation for the sake of self-acceptance, self-nurturing and self-survival. That’s a healthy form of “self-love”.

This is the stuff we need to model to our children so they will grow up to respect their own selves. Our children need to see that yes, their parents may have not-so-good days, but that they eventually pull themselves out of the pit and begin seeing themselves in the light they are supposed to, as valuable people even with the imperfections we have. Our children need to see us in our ugliness and in all of our glory; they need to see us in our human-ness. Then they will realize that it’s okay for them to be “regular” people too. They already have far too many super-stars to live up to; they need regular people in their daily lives to understand that it’s okay to be, well, “normal”.

So, yeah, while I’m having one of those days, I intend to turn it around. I will turn my frown upside down. It may take me a couple of hours, or it may take me a couple of days, but I will turn it around. What doesn’t “matter” is that time will pass by and the way I’m feeling will be nothing but a blip on my radar screen. My thinking will reset and I will find new hope, a new reason for living and my creative juices will begin to flow again realizing that if I can offer just one little bit of hope for one more person to go on dreaming and living their life’s purpose then I have been validated, and that’s what makes me matter.

*You matter too because somehow today, probably unknowingly, you will give someone hope to go on living. When you least expect it, you will be an example to someone. You may never know that you have been an example, so turn your frown upside down, and be sure to smile!

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Have you ever been invited to someone’s house but the minute you stepped inside you felt unwelcome?  I bet you have. And from that point on your entire visit was terribly uncomfortable, you didn’t quite know how to respond to any of their questions, you didn’t know how you should act, whether you should ask to use their restroom or “hold it in”, or just what you were “allowed” to do or say. You wanted to make a good impression but somehow you just felt “off” and unsettled inside, your  gut told you that something just wasn’t right with the whole visit and needless to say, the relationship overall.  You almost felt embarrassed to be there and felt you should leave, but that would bring another, still more uncomfortable situation up, so you just dealt with the uncomfortable feeling until the visit had run its course and you could respectfully leave.

What you were feeling is called “rejection”. And it comes in all shapes, sizes and flavors. None of us are immune to it. In fact it begins happening to us before we ever leave our house in the morning. Let me give you some examples I bet you’re really familiar with.

You climb out of bed and maybe turn on the morning news. You see some talking head telling you that his kid got beat up in school yesterday because he wore a T-shirt to school that had a logo of the American Flag on it. You shake your head in disgust and start to walk away from the T.V., but just a minute, you have school-age children and you begin to think, “Huh, this could be my kid”. Not only do you begin to feel rejection for that kid on T.V., you begin to feel rejection for your kid too should he ever be put in a similar situation, and it comes all the way home to you when you remember experiencing a school-yard fight over something just like this when you were a kid. (Never mind the larger issue of “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”) Anyway, you begin to get that sinking feeling way down deep in the pit of your stomach that tells you this day is not starting out all too well.

You kind of shrug all of that off, try to get readjusted and back in tune with what lays ahead of your day. You turn your laptop on to quickly check in with your email account and Facebook, then SMACK!, you see that a couple of your best used-to-be friends on Facebook has “unfriended” you because of conflicting political and religious beliefs, and the emails they sent you are downright shredding your ego. With shoulders beginning to slump, you pull yourself off your office chair and head in to the kitchen for more caffeine. As you find your way to the door and out to the car to head to work, you’re wondering to yourself, “Now what? Do I remain in the FB communities where the same friends are members, or do I leave with my tail between my legs? If I stay I might just have to lurk only and remain voiceless because surely everyone will know that my two best friends rejected…what??? Uh, oh, there’s THAT word. REJECTED. I’ve been…rejected. “Yes, you’ve been rejected two times, already this morning, three times if you count both friends, and you’ve barely made it to your car.

The crux of these thoughts is this, all of us suffer rejection all of the time in many ways, shapes, forms, at all times of each and every day. Some of the rejection is real, and some of it is purely perceived.  There isn’t a whole lot we can do to stop real rejection from coming our way, and we can’t remove our self from society, although many of us try by becoming reclusive. Even then we find ourselves connecting on social media sites because as humans we are meant to be, well, “social” creatures.  The possibility of being rejected is kind of a built in danger that comes with existing that we might experience at any point in time. There’s really nothing we can do to stop the threat of rejection.

But there is something we can do to lessen the threat of feeling the pain of being rejected, and that’s taking control of our own emotions and how we react to other people’s words and actions. It’s not so much what other people say or do as much as how we perceive what other people say and do. It’s all about our own perception. And this comes under the heading of “self-love”. We all must learn how to love our own selves properly. If we learn how to love ourselves, we will be better at loving others around us.  It starts with us though. Everything starts with us, with “self”, the “within”.

I’m not talking about the narcissistic kind of love when you think you are the greatest thing to walk planet Earth. I’m talking about learning to nurture you in a kind and compassionate way.

Many times the reason many of us are so sensitive to rejection is because we are first and foremost our own worst enemies and we are self-rejecting before anyone else gets the chance to.

It’s mostly about the “tapes” we play over and over in our heads. You know, the words of condemnation we carry over from our childhood when we were told by our friends that we weren’t good enough to be on their team, or when we were excluded out of the “clique” when a new kid from another state started our school and everyone wanted to be their new, best friend, or when our parents told us over and over again that we had to “shape up or ship out” or we wouldn’t become a “productive member of society”, or one of our teachers in high school made us stay after class day after day to get our grade higher because “he knew we could do better than we we’re doing, if we would just put a little more effort into our work”. It’s those tapes that we have carried to our adult years and that’s all we hear now except now those tapes play in our voices, saying those words and the script pertains to our world today. Today it’s our own voice saying, “Self, you better shape up or you’re going to lose your job.” Or, “Self, if you want to be a productive member of society you will…..” and you fill in the blanks…and there are oh so many blanks to fill in! Or, “Self, if you will just stay a little longer at the office you will earn a higher pay grade.” Yep, we condemn ourselves each and every day. We find fault with ourselves and when we don’t listen to the tapes and choose to do the opposite of what the tapes tell us to do; we reject ourselves and begin telling ourselves just how bad we are. “Well, if you would have done this, or you would have done that, then this would have happened or that would have happened.” Then when other people even begin to look like they are about to give us the slightest look of rejection or begin to say something that we perceive even a hint of a tone of rejection, we take it ALL in and it becomes rejection with a capital “R”.

Where’s the self-love? When do we begin to realize that we are, after all, human? And when do we start realizing we are not Superhuman? When do we become a little less critical of ourselves and a little more accepting?

When do we learn that the sooner we begin to accept ourselves for who we are, the sooner we will be able to accept others for who they are?

This World is in need of a paradigm shift in perception. We all chant how we want change. But none of us really seem to know what kind of change we are looking for. We all seem to wander about aimlessly searching for that illusive “change”.  Really the change all of us want is to be accepted for who we really are, to not be rejected. I believe that begins with self-acceptance. And I believe self-acceptance begins with a paradigm change in perception of one’s own self, or “self-perception”, after that comes how one views others and the World around him or herself.

You’ve heard it said, “All the World needs is a little more love”. I contend that all the World needs is a little less rejection. After that love will naturally follow. Love is a pretty big concept. We need to take baby steps to back ourselves out of the mess we’ve created. It begins with each of us learning, maybe for the very first time, how to love our own selves appropriately.

Stop rejecting yourself. Start by welcoming yourself back into your own heart. Then we will see the World change, one heart at a time. Then we can say, “Welcome World, into my heart”, and mean it.

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All Means All

We MUST remember, “All means All, and that’s All, All means.”

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Forgiveness Is A Tight Balancing Act

Forgiveness is an absolute requirement if we are to move forward in life. The lack of forgiveness paralyzes us, stops us dead in our tracks and holds us back from truly achieving our hopes and dreams, because if we don’t … Continue reading

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Marriage Is Obsolete…So Why Do We Need Marriage Equality?

With all of the fussing and arguing about marriage equality these days my blog is long overdue in my opinion. I have studied the Christian scriptures on marriage for over two decades now, mainly because of my own infidelities encircling … Continue reading

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Adopting When Your Sexual Identity Is Involved…Or Standing for Any Rights for That Matter

I always say, “Follow the money”, and in the case of adopting a child, in my opinion, that statement rings just as true. Look at the majority of the organizations of who has these precious children “up for sale” and … Continue reading

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April Fool’s for Broad Class Action Suits, Mainly Women…This Time

The heavily armed, right-winged U.S. Supreme Court has to remain true to their nature; they can’t deviate from their character. In a 5 to 4 ruling, only two days after hearing the argument, in the Walmart vs. Duke possible class … Continue reading

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Bigotry – Come Out, Come Out, Where Ever You Are!

Most of the time I think I do a pretty good job of accepting people, I mean I’m fairly nice to my neighbors and I smile at strangers and passers-by. I even hold the door open for people as I … Continue reading

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The Respect for Marriage Act

The Respect for Marriage Act needs to be passed now and this is part of the reason why. First of all there is no difference between being human and being human. The differences are in a person’s appearance and what … Continue reading

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The Repeal of Doma

When did humanity discover their imagined right to employ autocracy and reign supreme power dictating that a man must marry a woman in order for a legal marriage to exist as if it is “natural selection”? And if it be … Continue reading

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